80% of shoppers want same-day shipping while 61% want their packages even faster within 1-3 hours of placing an order

We’re Purveyour and we help retailers transform their local markets by providing on-demand delivery

We’re Purveyour and we help retailers transform their local markets by providing on-demand delivery

With Purveyour your customers get:

  • Enhanced customer experience providing ultimate convenience and peace of mind

  • Cheaper delivery fees while getting the quickest delivery time

  • Topical content showcasing retailers and brands on the platform leading to more sales

Partners Not Providers

We offer an experience that is:

  • Cost-effective solutions that save you time and resources while serving your local market more efficiently leading to more sales with a lower overhead

  • Seamlessly integrated on-demand delivery into your existing website at checkout for convenience and efficiency

  • Engaging content marketing strategies highlighting your brand that captivates customers leading to increased brand engagement and customer loyalty

Get In Touch

Reach out to discuss how Purveyour can improve your business.