The Art of Layering & Doing It Effectively

Design: Kristin Graham

If you feel like you have so many clothes but nothing to wear chances are you haven’t learned how to style your clothing yet. One of the best ways to style outfits is through the art of layering.

As the season gets colder layering is the perfect way to keep warm while staying stylish this winter. But layering doesn’t only have to be for the colder seasons. Layering can all different forms from cardigans to skirts and even jewelry. It can make any outfit seem more chic.

The art of layering is an easy skill to learn. Here are a few ways to bring layering to your personal style:

Start With A Basic Foundation

To have a well-layered outfit you need to start with a good foundation. Start with basic pieces like jeans, a plain shirt, a solid color skirt, or anything that you can build upon. These pieces are the key building blocks of any outfit. If you want to layer effectively having a go-to base is the best way to go. When styling bigger statement pieces it allows your outfits to be more cohesive and put together. It’s best to have many black and white colored items in your wardrobe as these colors are some of the best to style with. Some celebrities who pull this off well are Hailey Bieber and Kendall Jenner. Showing that basic pieces are not just basic.

The Rule of Three

In layering your outfits it’s best to stick with the rule of three. This means having a maximum of three main colors or a maximum of three different patterns or fabrics. This technique helps your outfits stay cohesive while giving a blueprint when styling your outfits. The rule of three can also apply to different clothing pieces as well. Adding a 3rd piece can help bring your outfit alive. This could be a necklace, blazer, or a belt. Following this simple rule can help you elevate your outfits.

Mixing Textures & Patterns

Layering your outfits with a variety of different fabrics and patterns can be a lot of fun. It is a great way to show off your personal style. Experimenting with different fabrics and patterns helps you figure out what works for you. It’s best to pair softer fabrics like satin or silk with more statement fabrics like leather or tweed. It’s good to have a mixture of fabrics in your outfits. Mixing different patterns has become a trend in recent years. For example, layering a plaid coat over striped pants or polka dot tights layered under a lace skirt. Don’t be afraid to mix different fabrics and patterns when layering.

Layering With Accessories

If you are not looking to layer with big clothing pieces then layering with accessories can be a great way to elevate an outfit. Layering jewelry, which is a trend right now, is such an easy way to bring an outfit together. Hats or even shoes can also help with layering. Bags can also help by matching with your outfit or being the statement piece itself. The best part about layering with accessories is that it will work for every season. Accessories are the perfect way to make your outfit more visually appealing and help you add your own personal touches to your look.

Experiment With Outerwear

Coats, sweaters, sweatshirts, jackets, these are all great pieces to layer with for a stylish outfit or just to keep warm. When finding outerwear that works for you start with what can be easily put over your outfits as outerwear will most likely be layered on top of your base outfit. Outerwear allows you to create unique silhouettes with each outfit. For example, puffer jackets create a bigger build while cardigans can keep an outfit straight or slim. It good to experiment with the proportions that outerwear creates. Outerwear will usually be one of the main focuses of an outfit so it’s important to find the right fit for you.

Finding Your Silhouette

The magic of layering is you can essentially create your own silhouette. Whether it’s building on an outfit with jackets and sweatshirts or elongating an outfit with maxi skirts or trench coats. There is an art in giving your outfits any shape you want. But it is important to have balance while you layer. It’s good to have contrast when layering different proportions such as a mini skirt with a trench coat. You don’t want to have too many bulky or heavy pieces that can weigh down your outfit. It’s good to view layering as a balancing act with your clothing. Because when you find that right silhouette it will help you be able to style your outfits much easier in the future.

Having Fun With Colors

Styling colors can really help bring your creativity to your outfits. But they can also help with layering. Some colors are better for layering like neutral colors while some colors are best for being statement pieces like bright ones. One of the easiest ways to layer with colors is to have a neutral base and add a pop of color with a statement piece. Such as wearing a white blouse with a bright orange sweater vest over. You can play around with what color combinations work best for your style.


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